Pedro de Oraá (Havana, 1931) Artist, art critic. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts "San Alejandro". 1952: artistic group is linked to the Eleven. 1957: The curator Patrick Lannan American collector buys all of his work dibujística. 1958: Ten Painters Integra Concrete group. From 1964 travels in Eastern Europe and is related to independent artists from the countries that comprise it. Has had numerous solo exhibitions and is represented in the University Museum of Poplar, Mexico, in the National Gallery in Sofia, Bulgaria; in the Godwin-Ternbach Museum of Queens College in New York, in the recent Cuban Museum of Fine Arts in Vienna Austria, at the Museum Fine Arts in Havana and funds Lannan Foundation in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Member of the IAA (International Association of Artists) abscrita to UNESCO.